Eagle Scout Award

Eagle Scout Certificate Program Information
Since 1910 the Boy Scouts of America have contributed to the moral and physical character of our communities by offering opportunities where young men can experience fun and adventure while learning the skills necessary for good citizenship and leadership.
One of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War many goals and purposes is to reward young men who achieve the status of Eagle Scout with a special congratulatory letter and color Certificate of Commendation, suitable for framing. While we encourage any young man searching for that special community service project to look to us for inspiration on projects relating to the Civil War,
we offer this certificate with no “strings attached” other than you must be an Eagle.
Your Eagle Court of Honor observes a very proud tradition that our organization is pleased to recognize in memory of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR). Comprised of over 400,000 Union Veterans of the American Civil War of 1861-1865, the GAR was a living symbol of patriotism when the Boy Scouts of America was formed in 1910. Before the passing of their last member (on August 2, 1956) the GAR officially recognized the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW) as their Legal Heir. As such, it is our honor to maintain the many traditions of the GAR.
These include the promotion of good citizenship by teaching patriotism, civic duties, and the love & honor of our flag –
concepts that are “near and dear” to the Boy Scouts of America.
When possible, every effort is made by our Camp to present the certificate to the Scout at his Court of Honor.
Eagle Scouts Certificate Holders; Roll of Honor
Congratulations to our Newest Eagle Scout Certificate Recipient:
Jonah Amell of Rotterdam,NY
Presented: On May 30th, 2015 at Rotterdam, NY
Presentation made by L-R, Bro. Jr. Vicr. Cmdr.-Patriotic Instructor Richard E. Straight and Bro. Commander Leo McGuire.
Aaron Anthony Chojecki of Scotia,NY
Presented: In 2009 at Glenville,NY
Presentation made by then Cmdr. Bro. Raymond W. LeMay 111, PCC
Our Eagle Scout Program Coordinator; Covers the Following BSA Council:
Twin Rivers Council (includes the Adirondack Council)
How to order a Certificate:
The Col. George L. Willard Camp No. 154 of the Department of New York is pleased and honored to recognize young men from the Capital District in New York who have earned Scouting’s highest honor, the rank of Eagle Scout.
We will present a full-color Eagle Scout certificate to a Scout deemed eligible. If desired, and if scheduling permits, a personal presentation at an Eagle Scout Court of Honor may be arranged.
To request an Eagle Scout certificate for here in New York State that covers the Twin Rivers and Adirondack Councils, please click the link below for the application and contact person.
The Eagle Scout Certificate Application:
Download the Certificate Application as PDF File
This application maybe filled out online and then printed. We recommend you keep a copy for your records.
You may also keep an electronic copy by saving the completed form to your computer (you must use a different filename in order to preserve your entries).
Sending in the Application:
Send completed application via e-mail or postal mail to the Camp Eagle Scout Coordinator
(A 45-day advance notice is requested for Presentation at Court of Honor.)
Mail your application to:
Attn: Camp Willard Eagle Scout Coordinator
Brian Castler
885 Deerland Rd
Long Lake, NY
For More Information email…
Brian Castler
Note to Out of State Eagle Scouts:
If you are not a resident of New York, but would like to obtain an Eagle Scout Certificate, please contact the National Eagle Scout Certificate Coordinator for assistance:
James L. Lyon
1824 W Forestview Dr
Sycamore IL 60178-3426