Membership Roster
Below is a listing of camp members, the year they joined the Willard camp, and their Civil War ancestor(s).
Bro. James Alston
- Jan. 2021, Pvt. James Alston, 7th NY Heavy Artillery
Bro. David W. Bentley
- June 2008, Corpl. Benjamin F. Bentley, Co. H 169th NYVI
Bro. Duane P. Booth
- May 1997, Pvt. Edwin R. Mosher, Co. A. 123rd NYVI
Bro. Lawrence B. Castler, PCC
- Aug 1997, Pvt. Alfred J. Castler, Co A, 115th NYVI
Bro. Paul F. Cooney
- Oct 2010, Pvt. James Cooney Co. C 159th NYVI
- Bro. Kevin Coyne
- 2019, Pvt. Hosea Day, 118th Regt NYVI
- Bro. Benjamin Eli Dunie
- Pvt. Henry Pfarr, 187th OVI
- Bro. Ethan Miles Dunie
- , Pvt. Henry Pfarr, 187th OVI
- Bro. Ethan Miles Dunie
Bro. David J. Dziewulski
- Sept. 2011, – Cpl. John J. Owens, Co. F, 14th ME Vol. Inf. & Co. A, 14th ME Battalion
Bro. David M. Dziewulski, PCC (Associate)
- Oct., 2009 – (In honor of the Memory of) Cpl. John J. Owens, Co. F, 14th ME Vol. Inf. & Co. A, 14th ME Battalion
Bro. Joseph M. Dziewulski
- Sept. 2011, – Cpl. John J. Owens, Co. F, 14th ME Vol. Inf. & Co. A, 14th ME Battalion
Bro. Frederick W. Eckel
- Nov. 2006, Pvt. William H. Bascom, Co. A, 3rd NY Lt. Artillery
Bro. Richard Hale Fullam
- May 2018, Pvt. William Henry Boggess, Co. I, 91st Illinois Infantry
- Bro. Timothy Gaffney, Sr.
- September 2021, Pvt. Charles Fairchild, Co. A 2nd HA
- Bro. Timothy Gaffney, Jr.
- September 2021, Pvt. Charles Fairchild, Co. A 2nd HA
- Bro. Timothy Gaffney, Jr.
- Bro. Charles Gehring
- September 2021, Pvt. John George Gehring, Co. H 162nd NYVI
- Bro. Charles Gehring
Bro. Michael Golden
- May 2020, Pvt. Edward Salisbury, Co. I, 21st NY Cavalry
Bro. Paul W. Grady, PCC
- Oct 1994, Pvt. Elias Washburn, Co. F, 115th, NYVI
Bro. Jeffrey M. Gregory
- Dec. 2018, Pvt. John Chandler Moody, Co. G, 96th NY Vol. Infantry
Bro. William J. Halpin, PCC-(Life)
Bro. Henry L. Hamilton
- Jan 2008, Corpl. Stephen R. Simpkins, Co. I 156th NYVI
Bro. Robert C. Hensel, PCC
- Jan 2008, Pvt. John Casey, Co. G 186th NYVI
Bro. Michael Hernandez
- March 2021, Pvt. Charles (AKA Carl) Menge (AKA Mingo), Co. C, 2nd NY Regt. Vol. Cav.
Bro. John D. Hilton Sr.
Bro. John Hulse
- Nov. 2020, Pvt. Cornelius Reiley, Co. F, 177th NY Vols.
Bro. Lance W. Ingmire
- Sept. 2009, Sgt. William F. Ingmire, 7th NY Heavy Artillery 1st Lt. 95th NYVI and Capt 192nd NYVI
- Pvt. George Blackwood, 115th NYVI
- Pvt. Joseph Haufrwas, 39th NYVI and 168th NYVI
- Pvt. Daniel Van Buren, 25th NYNG
- Pvt. William Cherry, 2nd NY Vet. Cav.
Bro. Mark D. Isaacs
- Feb. 2017, Pvt. Stephen Jensen Stevens, Co. D, 52nd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Regt.
Bro. Bruce M. Jennings
- July 2020, Pvt. Walter D. Jennings, Co. A, 1st Regt. Mass. Cav.
Bro. Vincent M. Jockimo
- May 2014, Pvt. William H. Wilkins, Co. H, 16th NY Vol. Infantry Regt.
- Pvt. Darius Wilkins, Co. E, 92nd NY Vol. Infantry Regt.
Bro. Robert P. Keough, PCC
- Sept. 2010, Pvt. Franklin Babcock, Co. D, 141st PA Vol. Inf.
Bro. Richard E. Lalosh
- Nov. 2019, Pvt. Charles Ellerson, Co. E, 134th NYVI
Bro. Bertram C. Legg, Jr.
Bro. Raymond W. LeMay Jr. (Life)
- Nov. 2006, Pvt. Peter Monast, Co. K 1st VTHA
- Pvt. Hippoli Corbeil, Co. F, 82nd IL Vols.
Bro. Raymond W. LeMay III, PDC, PCC- (Life) (MOLLUS)
- Dec. 2002, Artificer Daniel S. Pratt, Co G. 1st NYVE
- 2nd Lieut. Chester H.W. Tubbs, Co. I 39th NYSNG,
- Pvt. Peter Monast, Co. K 1st VTHA/11th VTVI,
- Pvt. Leonard Pratt, Co. G 152nd NY Vols.
- Pvt. Hippoli Corbeil, Co. F, 82nd IL Vols.
- Pvt. William A. Weston, Co. K, 88th IL Vols.
Bro. John James Lisa
- June 2021, Landsman, William Griffen, USN, USS Gem of the Sea
Bro. Douglass M. “Tim” Mabee (MOLLUS)
Bro. Thomas O. Maggs
- Oct 2017, 2nd Lt. Jonathan Houghtaling Dockstader, Co. B 153rd NYVI
Bro. Michael T. Marchand
- Jan. 2016, Pvt. Charles Austin, Co. B, 125th NY Vol. Infantry Regt.
Bro. Dennis F. Marr, (MOLLUS)
- Oct 1999, Pvt. Robert H. Bailey, 3rd/177th Inf. NY.
- Pvt. George R Bailey, Co I, 10th NY Cav.
- Pvt. George H. Anderson Jr., Co H, 18th NYVI
- Pvt. James Bailey, Co B, 3rd NYVI
- Pvt. Charles Bailey, Co. M, 1st NY Cav., (Lincoln)
- Pvt. William H. Bailey, Co. A, 169th, NVYVI
- Pvt. John Dwyer, Co. I, 104th NYVI
- Brevet Captain Charles H. Zeilman, Co F 44th, NYVI
Bro. John J. McEneny
- April 2009, Pvt. Michael McWilliams, Co. B. 77th NYVI
Bro. Leo C. McGuire, PDC, PCC
- Feb. 1994, Pvt John S. Osler, Co. C, 12th, Pa Res. Inf.
- Pvt. John MaGuire, Battery, F, M, I, 1st MO Lt. Art.
Bro. Kevin B. Murphy
- Oct 2017, Pvt. Michael W. Murphy, 2nd Battery, VT Lt. Art.
Bro. Jerome L. Orton, PDC, PCC-(Life)
- June 1969, Pvt. Alanson Orton, 77th NYVI
Bro. Edward M. Rifenberg
- Oct. 2020, Pvt. William Meixell, Co. H, 153rd PA Vols.
Bro. Fox Rifenberg-Stempel
- July 2020, Pvt. William Meixell, Co. H, 153rd PA Vols.
Bro. Galen B. Ritchie-(Life)
- Jan 1997, Pvt. William Brown, Co I 48th, NYVI
Bro. Robert A. Rodd
- Dec. 2011, Landsman, Pierre Solomon Rodd Jr., USS Shawmut, USN
Bro. Col. Frank Rogler, Ret. NYNG
- April 2016, Pvt. Jacob Rogler, 6th Independent Battery NY Vol. Light Artillery
Bro. Gary F. Roome
- Mar 1995, Cpl. Elias A Briggs, Co F 150th, NYVI
Bro. David Bruce Schock
- Apr. 2023, Cpt. Samuel Bridgeford, Co.K, 43rd Regt /20th Cav.
- Apr 2023,Bro. Ralph Sherman
- 2021, Pvt. Abraham Sherman, Co. A 2nd Regt VTVI
Bro. Douglas E. Smith, PDC, PCC
- Aug 1990, –Sgt. Daniel Smith, Co. B, 24th New York Cav.
Bro. Gregory J. Sterio
- Nov. 2020, Pvt. James Delancy, Co. F, 82nd Ohio Infantry
Bro. Richard E. Straight, PDC, PCC
- Dec. 1991, Pvt. John Straight, Co. M, 2nd Regt. NY Cav.
Bro. Peter L. Swano
- Nov. 2017, Pvt. Frank Waterman, Co. A, 16th CT Vol. Inf. Regt.
Bro. Frank P. Swartwout
- Sept. 2011,Pvt. Joseph R. Meredith, Co. D 107th Regt., PA Vol. Inf. & Co. L 13th Regt., PA Vol. Cav.
Bro. John B. Swartwout, Jr.
- Sept. 2011, Pvt. Joseph R. Meredith, Co. D 107th Regt., PA Vol. Inf. & Co. L 13th Regt., PA Vol. Cav.
Bro. Patrick Trippany
- May 2020, Pvt. William Alfred Eggleston, Co. H, 142nd NY Vol. Inf.
Bro. William H. Underhill
- Sept. 2009, Pvt. John Shaughnessy, Co. J 169th NYVI
Bro. Brent L. Vosburg
- Feb. 2017, Pvt. Michael Hughes Co. C, 5th New York Cavalry
Bro. Charles F. Walter
- April 2010, Pvt. Francis Dennison Hammond, Co. I, 5th VT Vol. Inf.
- Pvt. Albert W. Doane, Co. K, 123rd NYVI
Bro. Sebastian Z. Wayne
- Jan. 2021, Pvt. Rufus B. Dickinson, Co. G, 1st Alabama USV Cav.
Bro. Benjamin G. Webster
- May 2020, Pvt. Ezra Houghtaling, Co. H, 91st Regt. NY Vol. Inf.
Bro. Christopher S. White
- March 2015, Musician 2nd Class, Aistroppe Robinson Hitchcock (aka Robert Hitchcock), 44th NY Vol. Infantry Regt.
Bro. Daniel Woloszyn
- May 2019, Pvt. William Harding, Co.B, 152nd NY Vol. Inf. Regt.
- Bro. Robert H. Wubbenhorst
- 2018, Pvt. Stephen Hall, Co. H 1st NYLA
- Bro. Arthur F. Young
- 2017, Pvt. Dean Wilder Reed, Co. H 1st VT Cav.
Bro. Donald G. Zeilman
- Mar. 2009, Sgt. Jacob Zeilman, Co. D 177th Inf. N.Y.