Camp By-Laws
Newly Approved Camp By-Laws (3/25/2022) of G.L. Willard Camp 154, SUVCW
Article 1
● 1.01. The Name shall be Colonel George Lamb Willard Camp #154 (hereafter referred to as the
Camp), constituting a CAMP and unit of the New York Department of the Sons of Union
Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW), chartered on December 25, 1899.
● 1.02. The Camp shall be constituted and remain constituted as provided by the Charter,
Constitution and Regulations (CCR) of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War governing the
National Organization, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. The Camp is organized as an
unincorporated association under the laws of the State of New York. The organization is
organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes under section
501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future tax code.
Activities Not in Furtherance of Exempt Purposes
● 1.03. No part of the net earnings, if any, of this unincorporated association, shall inure to the
benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers or other private persons, except
that the unincorporated association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable
compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of
the purposes described in section 501(c)3. No substantial part of the activities of the
unincorporated association shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to
influence legislation, and the unincorporated association shall not participate in, or intervene in
(including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in
opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these by-
laws, the unincorporated association shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be
carried on (a) by an unincorporated association exempt from federal income tax under section
501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding section of any future federal tax
code, or (b) by an unincorporated association, contributions to which are deductible under
section 170(c)2 of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal
tax code.
● 1.04. This is a nonprofit organization, a creation of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) in
1881. On August 20, 1954, the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (hereafter referred to as
the SUVCW) was incorporated by an Act of Congress by the passing of Public Law 605 of the 2nd
Session of the 83rd Congress.
● 1.05. These Bylaws incorporate the types of membership and duties of officers as described in
the Bylaws of the SUVCW National Organization (hereafter referred to as National) and/or of the
Bylaws of the SUVCW New York Department (hereafter referred to as the Department).
Article 2
● 2.01. The objectives of the Camp shall be:
o 2.01.1. To perpetuate the memory of the Grand Army of the Republic, and the men who
fought to preserve the indivisibility of our Republic
o 2.01.2. To honor the memory of the wartime President, Abraham Lincoln, and other
leaders and personalities of the Civil War period.
Article 3
● 3.01. The support of the objectives of the Department and National organizations
● 3.02. Sponsoring and participating in ceremonies and programs.
● 3.03. The maintenance and preservation of monuments and plaques related to the Civil War.
● 3.04. Decorate the graves of Civil War Veterans on Memorial Day.
● 3.05. Publication of the Camp newsletter and roster of membership
Article 4
Special Funds
● 4.01. Monument Fund
o 4.01.1 For the restoration of Civil War monuments or plaques
o 4.01.2. Held in a separate special bank account for this purpose
o 4.01.3. All expenditures from which will be made by the Camp Treasurer as directed by
the Camp
o 4.01.4. Treasurer will maintain a detailed accounting.
Article 5
Dues and Fees
● 5.01. Any initiation fee required by the Department or the National Organization shall be
charged to each new member at the time his application is accepted by the Camp.
● 5.02. Annual Camp dues shall be charged and due during the month of January each year.
o 5.02.1. Annual fees are determined by the per capita levy of the National Organization,
Department and Camp. Dues shall be according to the current policy of the National
Organization, Department and the Camp.
● 5.03. New Members Dues Schedule. Camp fees for new members shall be prorated by quarters
(Q) as follows:
Quarter (Q) Inclusive Months Percentage of Dues to be Paid
Q1 January, February, March 100%
Q2 April, May, June 75%
Q3 July, August, September 50%
Q4 October, November, December 25%
o 5.03.1. New member dues required by the Department and National Organization shall be
collected at the time a new member application is approved by the Camp. Dues shall be
according to the current policy of the Department and the National Organization.
● 5.04. Fees and dues schedules for the Camp shall be considered for review on an annual basis.
However, any member can request a review of the Camp dues structure at any time. Changes in the
fee structure will be referred to a committee.
● 5.05. Legal address of the Camp will be a post office box accessible to the Commander, Secretary
and Treasurer.
● 5.06. Bank signatory will be the Treasurer with approval of the Commander. In the event that
payment must be made to the Treasurer, the signatory for payment will be the Commander.
Article 6
● 6.01. Hereditary Membership:
o 6.01.1. Members can hold office and can vote; Juniors Members can attend meetings,
cannot hold office, and cannot vote .
o 6.01.2. Members are allowed to become Life Members. The Life Membership fee is paid
in accordance with the National Organization.
● 6.02. Non-Hereditary Membership:
o 6.02.1. Associate Members can attend meetings, can hold office, and can vote .
o 6.02.2. Junior Associates can attend meetings, cannot hold office, and cannot vote .
● 6.03. Nothing in this article and its subparts can contravene the requirements of the National
Organization regarding membership.
Article 7
Officers and Committees
● 7.01. The elected officers of the Camp shall be the Commander who shall be the ranking officer,
the Senior Vice Commander, the Junior Vice Commander, the Secretary, the Treasurer (the
offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined), and Camp Council. The Camp Council will
be composed of three members.
o 7.01.1. Upon installation the Council shall select a chairperson according Article X of the
o 7.01.2. The responsibilities of the Camp Council include: Electing replacement officers
when required by the CCR, filling vacated offices on a pro tem basis, auditing the books,
and preparing a report of the annual audit.
o 7.01.3. Other responsibilities of the Camp Council are as outlined in the most current
version of the CCR and are included here by reference.
● 7.02. Nominations of Officers shall be by those members present and entitled to vote at the
October Camp meeting. The Secretary will then contact all Camp members via email/mail with a
notice that additional candidates can be nominated if their name is submitted to the Secretary
by the end of October.
o 7.02.1. Nominees must accept the nomination and express a willingness, if elected, to
serve in the respective position.
o 7.02.2. Election of Officers shall be by those members present and entitled to vote at
the November Camp meeting.
o 7.02.3. The Officers of the Camp shall be installed at the regular December meeting of
the Camp.
o 7.02.4. In event that the regular December Camp meeting must be cancelled, the
officers will be installed during the January Camp meeting.
● 7.03. Upon installation at the regular December Camp meeting, all elected officers will
immediately assume their duties and responsibilities.
o 7.03.1. The responsibilities of Camp officers are as outlined in the most current version
of the CCR.
o 7.03.2. It is the responsibility of the respective officers to read the CCR and understand
their duties.
● 7.04. Appointed officers: Upon assuming office, the Commander shall appoint all other Officers.
● 7.05. Delegates and Alternates for the Department Encampment will be on a volunteer basis.
Appropriate credentials will be supplied by the Camp Secretary.
● 7.06. The Camp fiscal year will be from July 1st through June 30th of the subsequent year. The
Treasurer will provide a detailed financial status report to the Camp at each monthly meeting.
● 7.07. Officers who fail to fulfill their duties, fail to attend regular meetings during a period of six
consecutive months, or other conditions as outlined in Chapter 1, Article V, Section 5 of the
CCR included here by reference may, upon vote of those members present and entitled to vote
at a regular meeting of the Camp, be removed from office. Elections will then be held by the
Camp Council to fill the vacancy according to Chapter 1, Article V, Sections 6 and 7 of the CCR
included here by reference.
● 7.08. The commander shall have the ability to form committees as he shall deem appropriate or
● 7.09. The Camp may have a Camp Welfare Committee. It shall be the purpose of the Welfare
Committee to assist in maintaining the membership in good standing; to actively assist in
obtaining new members; and to suggest to the Camp means of creating and maintaining interest
in all Camp activities.
● 7.10. Committees: There shall be a Standing Committee for the Carlton Covell Award,
JROTC/ROTC Award, and the Legion of Merit program.
Article 8
Meetings & Meeting Notices
● 8.01. Regular meetings of the Camp shall be held on the first Saturday morning of each month
except for July and August when there will be no regular meeting. This does not preclude the
calling for a meeting of the Camp in July and August at the request of the Commander.
o 8.01.1. The Camp opening, order of business, initiations and closing will be conducted
according to the most current version of the Rituals and Ceremonials of the SUVCW,
included here by reference.
● 8.02. The Camp meeting location is to be established in consultation with the Commander and
● 8.03. Any changes in the date and time of regular meetings, due to exceptional circumstances,
are to be by mutual agreement among the Commander, Camp Council and Secretary.
● 8.04. The Treasurer, by direction from the Camp Council, is to make the necessary payments to
secure meeting facilities.
● 8.05. The Secretary is to provide timely notice to all members by e-mail, mail, or phone of the
place, location, date and time of all Camp meetings.
Article 9
Youthful Members
● 9.01. All Brothers under the age of 18 years of age shall be accompanied by a parent or person
designated as a Guardian (grandfather, brother over the age of 18 years, or uncle) when
participating in any SUVCW activity.
o 9.01.1. At no time will a non-related Brother be permitted ‘one on one’ contact with a
Brother under the age of 18. Any interaction with a Brother under the age of 18 must
include at least two (2) Brothers over the age 18 at all times.
o 9.01.2. A Brother who witnesses, or suspects in good faith that any type of physical,
mental or sexual abuse of any member under the age of 18 has occurred, will
immediately report such suspicion to local authorities first and local Camp and
Department Commanders immediately.
o 9.01.3. All Brothers must comply with all applicable local and state laws pertaining to
child abuse.
● 9.02. Suggested Optional Training
o 9.02.1. Every Brother over the age of 18 who may have contact with a Brother under the
age of 18 should complete training related to protecting children from abuse of any
o 9.02.2. Free training is available from the Boy Scouts of America at Upon completion, you will be able to print a certificate
along with a wallet-size certification card which is good for a period of 2 years.
o 9.02.3. While this training is not a requirement, it is highly suggested as a tool to protect
our youthful members and Brothers.
Article 10
Separation, Dissolution and Disposition of Assets:
● 10.01. In the case of surrender or forfeiture of the Camp Charter, all Camp property and assets
shall be turned over to the National Commander-in-Chief of the Sons of Union Veterans of the
Civil War via the Department Commander of the affected Camp acting as his duly authorized
representative to collect and hold all such property in trust for the National Organization, Sons
of Union Veterans of the Civil War, an organization exempt from taxes under section 501(c)3 of
the Internal Revenue Code.
● 10.02. All property of the Camp shall be held for the National Organization, Sons of Union
Veterans of the Civil War, as a charitable trust that is held and used for the purpose for which
the Order exists. Any such transfer or disposal within six months of disbandment or surrender of
the Camp Charter without the written consent of the National Commander-in-Chief of the Sons
of Union Veterans of the Civil War is prohibited. The property and funds of the Camp shall not
be divided among its members.
● 10.03. In the event the National Organization, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, no
longer exists, said property and funds shall revert to the benefit of the first and any remaining
organization of the Allied Orders of the Grand Army of the Republic or in their absence, to the
State Archives of New York.
● 10.04. Notwithstanding the above language, upon the dissolution of this organization, assets
shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)3 of
the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be
distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government for a public purpose.
Article 11
Bylaws Amendments
● 11.01. Amendments to these bylaws require a thirty-day notice (via mail or e-mail) to all Camp
members. The notice will include a copy of each proposal and/or the entire modified copy of
the bylaws. Comments from the membership shall be made during the intervening 30-day
● 11.02. Approval of amendments to these bylaws shall be made during a regular Camp meeting
with an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present and eligible to vote,
provided that written notice of the proposed amendments shall have been sent to the
membership at least ten (10) days prior to the date of said meeting.
Article 12
Special Considerations
● 12.01. Bonds: No Officers are bonded. The Treasurer is responsible for the Camp checking and
savings accounts, and Camp property.
● 12.02. Suspension of By-Laws. No suspension of the Camp by-laws can occur without
membership review, discussion and approval at a Camp meeting.
● 12.03. Members in good standing are allowed to be nominated/elected a Camp Officer after
completing one year of membership.
The above by laws were presented at two regular meetings of the Camp and were adopted by members
in good standing that were in attendance.
Camp Commander –
Department Commander –
Article 1
- 1.01. The Name shall be Colonel George Lamb Willard Camp #154 (hereafter referred to as the Camp), constituting a CAMP and unit of the New York Department of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, chartered on December 25, 1899.
- 1.02. The Camp shall be constituted and remain constituted as provided by the Constitution and Regulations (C&R) governing the National Organization, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. The Camp is organized as an unincorporated association under the laws of the State of New York. The organization is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future tax code.
Activities Not in Furtherance of Exempt Purposes
- 1.03. No part of the net earnings, if any, of this unincorporated association, shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers or other private persons,except that the unincorporated association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes described in section 501(c)3. No substantial part of the activities of the unincorporated association shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the unincorporated association shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these by-laws, the unincorporated association shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an unincorporated association exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by an unincorporated association, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)2 of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
- 1.04. This is a nonprofit organization, a creation of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) in 1881. On August 20, 1954, the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (hereafter referred to as the SUVCW) was incorporated by an Act of Congress by the passing of Public Law 605 of the 2nd Session of the 83rd Congress.
- 1.05. These Bylaws incorporate the types of membership and duties of officers as described in the Bylaws of the SUVCW National Organization (hereafter referred to as National) and/or of the Bylaws of the SUVCW New York Department (hereafter referred to as State).
Article 2
- 2.01. The objective of the Camp shall be:
- 2.01.1. To perpetuate the memory of the Grand Army of the Republic, and the men who fought to preserve the indivisibility of our Republic
- 2.01.2. To honor the memory of the wartime President, Abraham Lincoln and other leaders and personalities of the Civil War period.
Article 3
- 3.01. The support of the objectives of the State and National organizations
- 3.02. Sponsoring and participating in ceremonies and programs.
- 3.03. The maintaining and preservation of monuments and plaques related to the Civil War.
- 3.04. Decorate the graves of Civil War Veterans on Memorial Day.
- 3.05. Publication of the Camp newsletter and roster of membership
Article 4
Special Funds
- 4.01. Monument Fund
- 4.01.1 For the restoration of Civil War monuments or plaques
- 4.01.2. Held in a separate special bank account for this purpose
- 4.01.3. All expenditures from which will be made by the Camp Treasurer as directed by the Camp
- 4.01.4. Treasurer will maintain a detailed accounting
Article 5
Dues and Fees
- 5.01. Any initiation fee required by the Department or the National Organization shall be charged each new member at the time his application is accepted by the Camp.
- 5.02. Annual Camp dues shall be charged and due during the month of January each year.
- 5.02.1. Annual fees are determined by the per capita levy of the National Organization, Department and Camp. Dues shall be according to the current policy of the National Organization, Department and the Camp.
- 5.03.New Members Dues Schedule. Camp fees for new members shall be pro-rated by quarters (Q) as follows:
Quarter (Q) | Inclusive Months | Percentage of Dues to be Paid |
Q1 | January, February, March | 100% |
Q2 | April, May, June | 75% |
Q3 | July, August, September | 50% |
Q4 | October, November, December | 25% |
- 5.03.1. New member dues required by the Department and National Organization shall be collected at the time a new member application is approved by the Camp. Dues shall be according to the current policy of the Department and the National Organization.
- 5.04. Fees and dues schedules for the Camp shall be considered for review on an annual basis. However, any member can request a review of the Camp dues structure at any time. Changes in the fee structure will be referred to a committee.
- 5.05. Legal address of the Camp will be a post office box accessible to the Commander, Secretary and Treasurer.
- 5.06. Bank signatory will be the Treasurer with approval of the Commander.
Article 6
- 6.01. Hereditary Membership: Full Members (can hold office, can vote) Juniors Members (can attend meetings, cannot hold office, cannot vote).
- 6.02. Non-Hereditary Membership: Associate Member (can attend meetings, can hold office, and can vote). Junior Associate (can attend meetings, cannot hold office, and cannot vote).
- 6.03. Full members are allowed to become Life Members. The Life Membership fee is paid in accordance with the National Organization.
- 6.04. Nothing in this article and its subparts can contravene the requirements of the National Organization regarding membership.
Article 7
Officers and Committees
- 7.01. The elected officers of the Camp shall be the Commander who shall be the ranking officer, the Senior Vice Commander, the Junior Vice Commander, the Secretary, the Treasurer (the offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined), and Camp Council.
- 7.02. Nominations of Officers shall be by the attending members at the October Camp meeting. The Secretary will then contact all members with a notice that additional candidates can be nominated if their name is submitted to the Secretary by the end of October.
- 7.02.1. Election of Officers shall be by the attending members at the December Camp meeting.
- 7.02.2. The Officers of the Camp shall be installed at the regular January meeting of the Camp held in the subsequent calendar year.
- 7.03. Upon installation at the regular January Camp meeting, all elected officers will assume their duties. In the unforeseen event of the cancellation of the regular January Camp meeting, the officers will be installed at a special meeting called in January.
- 7.04. Appointed officers: on assuming office, the Commander shall appoint all other Officers.
- 7.05. Delegates and Alternates for the Department Encampment will be on a volunteer basis. Appropriate credentials will be supplied by the Camp Secretary.
- 7.06. The Camp fiscal year will be from July 1st through June 30th of the subsequent year. The Treasurer will provide a detailed financial status report to the Camp at each monthly meeting.
- 7.07. Officers who fail to fulfill their duties and/or to attend regular meetings during a period of six consecutive months, may, upon vote of the members attending a regular meeting of the Camp, be removed from office. An election will then be held at the next regular meeting to fill the vacancy.
- 7.08. There shall be appointed a GAR Room Liaison Officer, who shall be the liaison between Albany County and the Camp. Said Officer can appoint a Select Standing Committee for the Albany GAR Room.
- 7.09. The Camp may have a Camp Welfare Committee. It shall be the purpose of the Welfare Committee to assist in maintaining the membership in good standing; to actively assist in obtaining new members; and to suggest to the Camp means of creating and maintaining interest in all Camp activities.
- 7.10. Committees: There shall be a Standing Committee for the Carlton Covell Award, JROTC/ROTC Award, New Mount Ida Cemetery Project, Vale Cemetery Project, and Camp Member Appreciation Awards.
Article 8
Meetings & Meeting Notices
- 8.01. Regular meetings of the Camp shall be held on the first Saturday morning of each month except for July and August when there will be no regular meeting. This does not preclude the calling for a meeting of the Camp in July and August at the request of the Commander or by vote of the membership.
- 8.02. The Camp meeting location is to be established by the Camp Council.
- 8.03 Any changes in the date and time of regular meetings, due to exceptional circumstances, are to be by mutual agreement between the Commander, Camp Council and Secretary.
- 8.04. The Treasurer, by direction from the Camp Council, is to make the necessary payments to secure meeting facilities.
- 8.05. The Secretary is to provide timely notice to all members by e-mail, mail, or phone of the place, location, date and time of all Camp meetings.
Article 9
Youthful Members
- 9.01. All Brothers under the age of 18 years of age should be accompanied by a parent or person designated as a Guardian (grandfather, brother over the age of 18 years, or uncle) when participating in any SUVCW activity.
- 9.01.1. At no time will a non-related Brother be permitted ‘one on one’ contact with a Brother under the age of 18. Any interaction with a Brother under the age of 18 must include at least two (2) Brothers over the age 18 at all times.
- 9.01.2. A Brother who witnesses, or suspects in good faith that any type of physical, mental or sexual abuse of any member under the age of 18 has occurred, will immediately report such suspicion to local authorities first and local Camp and Department Commanders immediately.
- 9.01.3. All Brothers must comply with all applicable local and state laws pertaining to child abuse.
- 9.02. Suggested Optional Training
- 9.02.1. Every Brother over the age of 18 who may have contact with a Brother under the age of 18 should complete training related to protecting children from abuse of any type.
- 9.02.2. Free training is available from the Boy Scouts of America at Upon completion, you will be able to print a certificate along with a wallet-size certification card which is good for a period of 2 years.
- 9.02.3. While this training is not a requirement, it is highly suggested as a tool to protect our youthful members and Brothers.
Article 10
Separation, Dissolution and Disposition of Assets:
- 10.01. In the case of surrender or forfeiture of the Camp Charter, all Camp property and assets shall be turned over to the National Commander-in-Chief of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War via the Department Commander of the affected Camp acting as his duly authorized representative to collect and hold all such property in trust for the National Organization,Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, an organization exempt from taxes under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.
- 10.02. All property of the Camp shall be held for the National Organization, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, as a charitable trust that is held and used for the purpose for which the Order exists. Any such transfer or disposal within six months of disbandment or surrender of the Camp Charter without the written consent of the National Commander-in-Chief of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War is prohibited. The property and funds of the Camp shall not be divided among its members.
- 10.03. In the event the National Organization, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, no longer exists, said property and funds shall revert to the benefit of the first and any remaining organization of the Allied Orders of the Grand Army of the Republic or in their absence, to the State archives of New York.
- 10.04. Notwithstanding the above language, upon the dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government for a public purpose.
Article 11
Bylaws Amendments
- 11.01. Amendments to these bylaws requires a thirty-day notice (via mail or e-mail) to all Camp members. The notice will include a copy of each proposal and/or the entire modified copy of the bylaws. Comments from the membership shall be made during the intervening 30-day period.
- 11.02. Approval of amendments to these bylaws shall be made during a regular Camp meeting with an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present and eligible for voting, provided that written notice of the proposed amendments shall have been sent to the membership at least ten (ten) days prior to the date of said meeting.
Article 12
Special Considerations
- 12.01. Bonds: No Officers are bonded. The Treasurer is responsible for the Camp checking and savings accounts, and Camp property.
- 12.02. Suspension of By-Laws. No suspension of the Camp by-laws can occur without membership review, discussion and approval at a Camp meeting.
- 12.03. Members in good standing are allowed to be nominated/elected a Camp Officer after completing three consecutive years of membership.
The above by laws were presented at two regular meetings of the camp and were adopted by members in good standing that were in attendance.
Camp Commander –
Department Commander –