Civil War - Guidon of the 125th NYVI


The Guidon is the Official Camp Newsletter of the Col. George L. Willard Camp No.154




The Spring 2024 Guidon Issue

The Guidon Streamer:
The Streamer is a supplement that focuses on one issue
and is a supplement to the Guidon and published irregularly.

The Guidon Streamer #4 (2023)
A Story of a Headstone, A Sailor and His Ship
by Bro. David M. Dziewulski, PCC

The Guidon Streamer #4


View the Archives of Prior Issues of The Guidon

Contact the Guidon Editor

If you have any information, questions, or submissions, please contact the editor of the Guidon.

We are always looking for Articles and items of interest:

Guidon Editor:
David M. Dziewulski, PCC