Camp Order No. 1
As of January 8, 2011,
Headquarters of the Col. George L. Willard Camp # 154,
Dept of New York, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
will be transferred to David M. Dziewulski, CC.
Communications can be made by emailing cmdr@glwillard154.org
If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to contact me by email.
I would like to thank the brothers of the Camp for nominating me,
for their words of encouragement and for electing me Commander of the Willard Camp.
So Ordered this 8th day of January, 2011.
In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,
Commander David M. Dziewulski
Col. George L. Willard Camp # 154
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
______________________________ ______________________________
David M. Dziewulski, Commander George F. Malinoski, Secretary
Camp Order No. 2
The Camp Officers for the Col. George L. Willard Camp # 154 for the upcoming year 2011 – 2012 are as follows:
1 – Elected – by majority
David M. Dziewulski – Camp Commander
Peter Bond – Sr. Vice Commander
Arthur F. Young – Jr. Vice Commander
George F. Malinoski – Secretary/Treasurer and
2 – Elected – by plurality
William J. Halpin, PCC Camp Council #1
Paul W. Grady, PCC – Camp Council # 2
Col Raymond W. LeMay 111, PCC, Camp Council # 3
Robert Hensel, PCC – Camp Council # 4
2 – Appointed – by Commander
George F. Malinoski – Chaplain
Robert H. Fickies – Patriotic Instructor
Robert P. Keough – Guide and Guard
Jerome L Orton, PDC, PCC – Camp Historian
Charles A. Greenfield, PCC – Graves Registration Officer
Robert Keough – Guidon Guidon News Letter Editor/ Chief-of-Staff
Raymond W. Lemay III, Camp Counselor
Leo McGuire, Color Bearer
Brother Richard Saunders, Jr. will continue as Eagle Scout Coordinator.
I temporarily appoint Sr. Vice Commander Bond as – JROTC/ROTC and Carlton Covell Memorial Officer.
The Camp Commander, Senior and Junior Vice Camp Commander, Camp Council, Secretary, Treasurer (or Secretary-Treasurer), Delegates and Alternates shall be elected at a regular meeting of the Camp between the first meeting in October and the first meeting in December, inclusive. A majority vote shall be required to elect all elective officers, except members of Camp Council, Delegates and Alternates, who shall be elected by a plurality vote.
On assuming office, the Commander shall appoint all other Camp officers.
So Ordered this 8th of January 2011.
In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,
Commander David M. Dziewulski
Col. George L. Willard Camp # 154
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
______________________________ ______________________________
David M. Dziewulski, Commander George F. Malinoski, Secretary
Camp Order No. 3
In the matter of keeping Camp books for the purposes of tracking membership and finances;
For the purpose of being able to prepare proper documentation for applying for grants;
As a matter of good bookkeeping, I hereby order that a semi-annual audit be performed on both membership and on finances,
the period of time beginning with the Camp meeting to be held in January 2011 but retroactive to cover the period of July 2010 through December 2010 in order that the proper transition of information be made by the new officers of the Camp.
The audit will cover the periods of January to June and July to December of each year.
The form to be used is attached for reference. This form does not replace any requirements/forms needed for reporting financial and membership information to the Department of New York or the National SUVCW.
At least two Camp Council members should attest to the audit.
Changes to the form are allowed, and should be made, to more easily facilitate the performance of this task.
Click The Form to View:
So Ordered this 8th of January, 2011.
In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,
Commander David M. Dziewulski
Col. George L. Willard Camp # 154
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
______________________________ ______________________________
David M. Dziewulski, Commander George F. Malinoski, Secretary
Camp Order No. 4
Reflecting General Order #8 from Commander-in-Chief Brad Schall dated December 29, 2010:
All charters, websites and national badges will be draped in black for a period of thirty (30) days
from the date of General Order #8 in commemoration of the life of
Sister “Opal A. Nelson”
Past National President, Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic (LGAR).
Sister Nelson served the LGAR twice as President, in the years 2000-01 and again in 2005-06.
She was a member of Lookout Circle 24 in Minnesota. She passed away 20 December, 2010 at the age of 81 years.
Sister Nelson was preceded in death by her husband Russell and is survived by four children, two brothers and many grandchildren.
Two of her daughters are members of the LGAR.
Cards may be sent to her family at 4032 Xenwood, Minneapolis, MN 55416.
So Ordered this 8th of January, 2011.
In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,
Commander David M. Dziewulski
Col. George L. Willard Camp # 154
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
______________________________ ______________________________
David M. Dziewulski, Commander George F. Malinoski, Secretary
Camp Order No. 5
Reflecting General Order #9 from Commander-in-Chief Brad Schall;
Dated January 2, 2011 for candidates seeking election to SUVCW national office:
A section on the national website will be set aside for candidates seeking national office
to place a letter of intention and a resume or biography.
“Pages should include date, Department and Camp name on the letter of intention page,
your eligibility for membership and a photo on the resume or bio page. It is suggested
that submission not exceed one page for each”.
“A review of each item will be required before items are placed on the website. Please
send to Brother James Pahl, PCinC in an electronic format. jbpahl0824@yahoo.com”
So Ordered this 8th of January, 2011.
In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,
Commander David M. Dziewulski
Col. George L. Willard Camp # 154
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
______________________________ ______________________________
David M. Dziewulski, Commander George F. Malinoski, Secretary
Camp Order No. 6
Reflecting General Order #10 from Commander-in-Chief Brad Schall dated January 6, 2011.
Regarding an opinion being rendered about a Camp Commander being able to simultaneously hold the office of
Commander & Treasurer
Commander & Secretary/Treasurer.
Summary Opinion:
Given that the Camp/Department Commander must approve all expenditures by the Treasurer
(Chapter 1, Article VI Section 1 and Chapter 2, Article 5, Section 4)
it would create a conflict of interest for him to hold both (Commander, Treasurer)
or all three offices (Commander, Secretary-Treasurer).
Therefore a Commander cannot simultaneously serve as Treasurer or Secretary/Treasurer.
So Ordered this 8th of January, 2011.
In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,
Commander David M. Dziewulski
Col. George L. Willard Camp # 154
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
______________________________ ______________________________
David M. Dziewulski, Commander George F. Malinoski, Secretary
Camp Order No. 7
Effective Immediately.
Brother Sr. Vice Commander Peter Bond is relieved of his temporary duties as Camp ROTC officer
and the duties related to the Covell Committee with the thanks of the Camp and the Commander.
Brother Color Bearer Leo McGuire will assume the duties and responsibilities of the ROTC officer and the Covell Committee.
So Ordered this 10th of February 2011.
In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,
Commander David M. Dziewulski
Col. George L. Willard Camp # 154
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
______________________________ ______________________________
David M. Dziewulski, Commander George F. Malinoski, Secretary
Camp Order No. 8
Reflecting General Order #11 from Commander-in-Chief Brad Schall dated February 28, 2011:
It is with sadness that C-in-C reports that
Corporal Frank Buckles
The last US WWI doughboy passed away on Sunday February 27, 2011. Out of respect for Corporal Buckles and all of the Americans that served during “the war to end all wars”, Willard Camp will drape its website in mourning until March 27, 2011.
So Ordered this 28th of February, 2011.
In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,
Commander David M. Dziewulski
Col. George L. Willard Camp # 154
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
______________________________ ______________________________
David M. Dziewulski, Commander George F. Malinoski, Secretary
Camp Order No. 9
Reflecting Department Order #7 from Commander Jeff Albanese dated March 2, 2011:
It is with sadness that the Commander reports that
Dake Theetge, PDC
who served two terms as Dept. of New York Commander passed away suddenly on March 1, 2011. Out of respect for PDC Theetge,
Commander Albanese has directed that all Camps in the Department drape their websites and membership badges in black. Willard Camp will, accordingly, drape its website in mourning until April 2, 2011.
So Ordered this 2nd of March, 2011.
In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,
Commander David M. Dziewulski
Col. George L. Willard Camp # 154
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
______________________________ ______________________________
David M. Dziewulski, Commander George F. Malinoski, Secretary
Camp Order No. 10
Reflecting General Order #12 from C-in-C Brad Schall dated March 10, 2011:
Commander-in-Chief Schall stated that the Civil War Sesquicentennial Medal is an official authorized medal of the Order
and may be worn from January 1, 2011 to May 30, 2015 following the requirements of badges in Group D.
This is found in Chapter V, Article 1 Section 5 of the Regulations. Group D badges may be worn with membership badges.
So Ordered this 22nd of March, 2011.
In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,
Commander David M. Dziewulski
Col. George L. Willard Camp # 154
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
______________________________ ______________________________
David M. Dziewulski, Commander George F. Malinoski, Secretary
Camp Order No. 11
Reflecting General Order #13 from Commander-in-Chief Schall dated March 22, 2011:
It is with sadness that the C-in-C Schall reports that
Anna Lee Smith Dobbs
Real Daughter of William Smith, 4th KY Cavalry passed away in Soddy-Daisy, TN on March 17, 2011 at the age of 94.
Anna Lee Smith Dobbs was a member of Tent #2, Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, TN DUVCW.
Willard Camp will, accordingly, drape its website in mourning until April 17, 2011.
So Ordered this 22nd of March, 2011.
In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,
Commander David M. Dziewulski
Col. George L. Willard Camp # 154
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
______________________________ ______________________________
David M. Dziewulski, Commander George F. Malinoski, Secretary
Camp Order No. 12
Reflecting Department Order #8 from Commander Albanese transmitted in an email dated April 12, 2011
from Department Secretary Michael Bennett:
“Effective immediately and continuing through the end of the Sesquicentennial of the American Civil War
all Camps and members of the Sons within the Department are encouraged to promote within their communities the observance of that conflict
and to support, contribute and participate in any and all activities that tend to promote its observance.
Further, all Camps and members of the Sons within the Department are encouraged to take advantage of all opportunities
to educate the public about the contributions made to the preservation of this great country by the Union soldiers, sailors, marines
and revenue cutter service members who fought in that conflict.”
Jeffrey Albanese
Department Commander, Department of New York SUVCW
Willard Camp #154 will endeavor to commemorate the events of 1861-1865 according to Department Order #7.
So Ordered this 21st of April, 2011.
In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,
Commander David M. Dziewulski
Col. George L. Willard Camp # 154
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
______________________________ ______________________________
David M. Dziewulski, Commander George F. Malinoski, Secretary
Camp Order No. 13
Reflecting General Order #23, Series 2010-2011 Dated 24th June 2011:
. . . from Commander-in-Chief Schall which was posted on the National Website:
Brothers, it is with deepest sympathy that I report another one of our nation’s treasured children
of a Federal Civil War Soldier has passed.
Mary (Hayes) Carroll, 99 years young passed away 24 June, 2011 in Lee Summit, Missouri.
She was the daughter of Private Samuel Hayes who served with the Forty Ninth Missouri.
On March 22, 2009 the Department of Kansas, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War honored Samuel for his service and honored Mary as a Real Daughter of a Civil War Soldier with a ceremony at her residence attended by friends and family.
She was a talented seamstress and along with a group of ladies from Duncan Estates made dozens of quilts and donated them to the Missouri Highway Patrol. Those quilts are used to wrap children injured in car accidents.
The group also donated dozens of quilts to Children’s Mercy Hospital for patients.
Those wishing to make contributions, in lieu of flowers, may do so to:
Vitas Hospice of Independence,
4041 S. Lynn Court Drive,
Suite 300, Independence, MO 64055.
All charters, the National Web site, and membership badges will be draped in black from 24 June, 2011 until 24 July, 2011.
Ordered this 24th Day of June, 2011.
Willard Camp #154 will endeavor to remember Real Daughter Mary Carroll by posting this order on its website
and draping badges and the website from receipt of this order (29 June 2011) until 24 July 2011.
So Ordered this 29th of June, 2011.
In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,
Commander David M. Dziewulski
Col. George L. Willard Camp # 154
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
______________________________ ______________________________
David M. Dziewulski, Commander George F. Malinoski, Secretary
Camp Order No. 14
Pursuant to:
Department Order # 4 Series 2011 – 2012
Issued September 15, 2011
As a result of the impacts of Tropical Storms Irene and Lee,
Commander Albanese has asked that all efforts be made by the brothers, and camps,
of the Department to determine those brothers in need and to offer them assistance according to our respective means
So Ordered this 25th of September, 2011.
In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,
Commander David M. Dziewulski
Col. George L. Willard Camp # 154
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
______________________________ ______________________________
David M. Dziewulski, Commander George F. Malinoski, Secretary
Camp Order No. 15
Pursuant to:
General Order #3
By C-in-C Donald Palmer
Series 2011-2012
Issued September 9, 2011
[1] In commemoration of the lives lost on September 11, 2001 in the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon
and the heroic actions and sacrifice of those persons on American Flight 93 who directed their craft into the ground in Shanksville, PA,
thus frustrating the terrorists plans.
And pursuant to
General Order #4
By C-in-C Donald Palmer
SERIES 2011-2012
Issued September 23, 2011
[2] In respect at the passing of Past National President Eileen Coombs on September 20; who was a member of the ASUVCW
for 70 years and served in various capacities in the Department of Maine, including Department President;
who served as ASUVCW National President in 1971.
Therefore, all membership badges, Camp Charters and websites be draped until October 23, 2011.
So Ordered this 25th of September, 2011.
In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,
Commander David M. Dziewulski
Col. George L. Willard Camp # 154
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
______________________________ ______________________________
David M. Dziewulski, Commander George F. Malinoski, Secretary
Camp Order No. 16
Pursuant to Department Order #5
Series 2011-2012
Issued by Commander Albanese
[1] The Commander continues to respectfully request that all Brothers contact their legislators and other state
and local officials and continue to urge them to support and protect that historic site of national importance known as Grant’s Cottage
(Mt. McGregor, Wilton, NY).
[2] He also urges all Brothers and Camps to support the efforts of the not-for-profit organization known as the Friends of the Ulysses S. Grant Cottage, Inc., in their efforts to preserve this national treasure. It is through their effort that this historic site continues to be preserved and remains open to the public.
[3] The Commander also noted that the Department of New York will make a donation
at the Patron level to the Friends of Ulysses S. Grant Cottage, Inc.
So Ordered this 25th of September, 2011.
In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty.
Commander David M. Dziewulski
Col. George L. Willard Camp # 154
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
______________________________ ______________________________
David M. Dziewulski, Commander George F. Malinoski, Secretary
Camp Order No. 17
Pursuant to General Order #8
Series 2011-2012
Issued by Commander-in-Chief Donald D. Palmer, Jr.
With regret, the C-in-C reports the passing of Past National President Mary Scofield.
Sister Scofield passed away on November 11 2011 at the age of 96.
She was a member of the Conklin-Sellew Auxiliary #20, Department of Connecticut.
She also served as ASUVCW National President in 2001.
Pursuant to General Order #8 and Willard Camp order #17 all membership badges
and the Camp website will be draped in black until December 14 2011 in remembrance of Sister Scofield.
The original order, issued on November 14 2011, may be found at http://suvcw.org/go/go08-11.htm
So ordered November 23rd, 2011.
In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty.
Commander David M. Dziewulski
Col. George L. Willard Camp # 154
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
______________________________ ______________________________
David M. Dziewulski, Commander George F. Malinoski, Secretary
Camp Order No. 18
Pursuant to General Order #9
Series 2011-2012
Issued by Commander-in-Chief Donald D. Palmer, Jr.
This order relates to the application for “signature” sesquicentennial events.
In summary:
At the August 2011 Council of Administration meeting a motion was passed to eliminate the “short notice”
rush to secure the necessary approvals and obtain medals and passport books in a timely manner.
Proposals for signature events must be submitted to the National Civil War Sesquicentennial Committee
no later than 90 days before the proposed event.
The updated application form is now available on the National website.
Camps, Departments and/or SVR units that have already started the approval process will be allowed to complete the current process.
Additional details of the order, issued on November 16 2011, may be found at http://suvcw.org/go/go09-11.htm
So ordered November 23rd, 2011.
In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,
Commander David M. Dziewulski
Col. George L. Willard Camp # 154
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
______________________________ ______________________________
David M. Dziewulski, Commander George F. Malinoski, Secretary